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How do you know if your website is actually working for your business?

March 16, 2013

Your buddy just finished spending the big bucks for a great looking website.  It just launched and he is sitting by the phone waiting for clients to pour in.  He has done online and offline marketing and advertising for his websites new launch.  He doesn’t get any calls, or emails.  You agree, It’s a fantastic looking website.. maybe the best one you ever seen.

So your trying to cheer him up and help figure out why.  How do you know if your website is actually working for your business?  Firstly, you need to know if your website even has visitors.  We use Google analytics to research website traffic numbers, trends, and most importantly what people are doing on your website. 

If you know someone who is serious about converting website visitors into leads or customers, tell them you know a flavourful web design company that can help them out.

We love building great websites and creating effective marketing strategies. Let’s spice up your online presence today!
Proudly Métis owned
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#101, 10418 99 Ave
Grande Prairie, AB
T8V 0S3
Mailing Address
PO Box 23072 GP
AB, T8V 6X2

We live, work, and gather on traditional, unceded, and treaty territories of First Nations, Métis, and Inuit Peoples from coast to coast to coast. We’re committed to our collective responsibility to the original caretakers of this land and to listening, learning, and acting in ways that support reconciliation.
