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What is Blogging & How Will it Add Value for Your Web Presence?

Several years ago, when blogging first became a buzz word, it mostly referred to online journals or diaries of sorts, used by individuals who were looking for a way to express themselves. Well, businesses of all shapes and sizes soon realized that a blog could be a great space for some free marketing, and it took off from there.

For a business, a blog is a page on the website where you post company news, but more importantly, it's a space where you share articles that can give a powerful boost to your digital marketing strategy. Here are just some of the ways that regular blogging will benefit your business' online presence and your brand, overall:

  • Allows you to demonstrate your expertise in the market, which helps build trust with prospective customers - a must, if you want to sell products or services online
  • Google awards websites where quality content is regularly added to the blog with better rankings - if you want your business' website to be found, you've got to be blogging
  • A great way to give your brand greater exposure - if people read your posts and like them, they're likely to share the articles with their friends via social media, etc.
  • Blogs are great opportunities to target keyword terms, which is another way to earn better rankings for your site

Of course, you can't just throw any old thing up on your blog and sit back and expect to see a jump in site traffic or rankings. Google and website visitors are looking for quality content (meaning totally original, well-written and free from spelling and grammatical errors) that imparts some type of knowledge (think of all of the problems your readers are looking to solve and address them with how-to's, FAQ's, interviews, videos, etc.). Another important factor in any successful blogging campaign is your posting frequency. You can't post an article once every 6 months and expect to build a following. For best results, commit to sharing (at the very least) one article every month.

Writing isn't your forté? Get help! As a web development company that regularly builds websites with blogs, and educates clients on how blogging is a vital piece in any successful digital marketing strategy, we know the value that blogging has to offer a business in any and every industry. If you're ready to start blogging and are looking for some guidance, a blog, or writing help, don't hesitate to get in touch with us.

We love building great websites and creating effective marketing strategies. Let’s spice up your online presence today!
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We live, work, and gather on traditional, unceded, and treaty territories of First Nations, Métis, and Inuit Peoples from coast to coast to coast. We’re committed to our collective responsibility to the original caretakers of this land and to listening, learning, and acting in ways that support reconciliation.
