Yup, there's no getting around it, if your business still doesn't have a website, you're missing out on big opportunities. If growing your business by bringing in more leads and sales is your ultimate goal, getting your business online with effective web and graphic design should be priority number one. Why? Let me count the ways!
A Website is Never Closed: With a website, you're open all day, every day. Even if you're not selling your products or services directly from your website, an effective web presence ensures existing and potential customers can always access your contact information, learn about what it is that you offer, and the ultimate goal, take one giant step further into your sales funnel. When you aren't available to give the sales pitch, a well designed and executed website will do it for you!
Provides Credibility: Gone are the days when people flipped through the Yellow Pages to find businesses that sold the goods and services they needed. Now people turn to search engines like Google and Bing to find the businesses they're going to visit or call. Then, when they land on your website, potential customers get the reassurance they need that your business exists and has what they're looking for.
Streamlines Your Operations: If finding ways to save time and to work more efficiently are two of your goals, a website can use software to provide the forms, applications and FAQs section your current and prospective customers are looking for. Your customers will appreciate the convenience of being able to fill out a form and submit it online, from the comfort of home, any time of the day or week, and convenience is always good for business. Point them to your website and let it do the rest!
Saves You Money: Believe it or not, when you compare professional web and graphic design to other forms of advertising, a basic website can cost less than the amount of money you spend on your daily Frappuccino. Crazy, isn't it?! So brew a coffee at home and invest your money into a website instead. That Frappuccino might be tasty, but driving more leads and sales to your business is going to leave you feeling awesome for a lot longer than that Frappuccino ever could.
There are so many ways a website can and will bolster your business, not only in 2016 but going forward, too. Stay tuned for future posts where we'll share more of the many reasons it's time you invested in a website.
Ready to get your business online? Get in touch with our award-winning Grande Prairie web design team to discover all the ways an online presence is going to benefit you.
We live, work, and gather on traditional, unceded, and treaty territories of First Nations, Métis, and Inuit Peoples from coast to coast to coast. We’re committed to our collective responsibility to the original caretakers of this land and to listening, learning, and acting in ways that support reconciliation.