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Métis District 21

Métis District 21 Website

Services Provided


This wonderful organization needed a website where their members could access information, and Métis District 21 could provide timely updates. They also needed embedded social media.

Graphic Design

As far as graphic designs go, this logo remains one of our favourites! It was our pleasure to donate the logo to this worthy organization.


We worked together with the client to produce clear and informative writing using plain language principles. This included adding space between text, attractive graphics and design, and using fonts and colours that are easy to view.

Brand Development

Every organization needs branding! We began developing a brand for Métis District 21 that includes colours, their logo, and background designs that reflect the beautiful Métis culture.

Social Media

When we began working on this project, Métis District 21 didn’t have a social media presence. Because many of their members are comfortable with Facebook, we set up their Facebook page and made sure members could easily access it. This is now a go-to resource for information.

Project Gallery


Métis District 21 is one of many regions represented by the Métis Nation of Alberta. The region covers the northwest (Slave Lake) portion of Alberta. They serve Métis of all ages with programs, services, supports, and strong advocacy for Métis rights.


This organization wanted to better reach out to their members and show their services. But, since the website and Facebook page were built over COVID, we had to get creative about how we collaborated and remain flexible as the organization prioritized meeting their member’s needs.

First websites like this one can be a challenge as clients begin to clarify what they want to look like and what they want to say. We enjoyed the challenge of working together to realize their goals!


This website needed to be culturally appropriate and also reflect the uniqueness of this organization and its people. It was important to include images like fiddles and the Métis sash (the sash in the hero image at the top of the homepage belongs to one of the members).

Saltmedia’s owner, Angie Saltman, was very proud to work with her own nation on this website


Members of Métis District 21 now have easy access to information and services through the website and Facebook page. Whenever needed, the organization can update their content, so information is always at their member’s fingertips.

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We love building great websites and creating effective marketing strategies. Let’s spice up your online presence today!
Proudly Métis owned
Office Address
#101, 10418 99 Ave
Grande Prairie, AB
T8V 0S3
Mailing Address
PO Box 23072 GP
AB, T8V 6X2

We live, work, and gather on traditional, unceded, and treaty territories of First Nations, Métis, and Inuit Peoples from coast to coast to coast. We’re committed to our collective responsibility to the original caretakers of this land and to listening, learning, and acting in ways that support reconciliation.
